Well, the Gobi March is fast approaching (around 6 weeks to go) and safe to say that training has not gone completely to plan. I have been suffering with a knee issue which I have still not got to the bottom of as yet. The physio initially diagnosed Tendonitis and prescribed strength and stretching exercises. 6 months later the problem has actually worsened albeit I have not helped by not resting!
My training volume is around half of where I wanted it to be, with around 60k a week rather than the 100+ I had planned at this stage. Cardio-wise I feel fine but the knee has really reduced my confidence particularly over the longer distances and affects my form which leads to pain in other areas (hip and glutes).
Really trying to get to the root cause and so this week I have gone for an MRI which hopefully will shed some light on the situation. Both the doctor and the physio seem to pointing toward a cortisone injection a couple of weeks before the race which should significantly reduce the pain and inflammation.
On a more positive note, my kit is really coming together. I learned a lot from the Marathon des Sable a few years ago and my pack weight will be close to 7kg (excluding water) at the start of the race. Food as always is the trickiest part, I will update my equipment and planned rations on the equipment page in the next couple of days. Going lighter will really help reduce the load on the knees particularly over the more technical terrain.